Thursday, March 26, 2009

Advice from Who??? (Part Two)

(note: Please see previous blog to catch up...don't feel like writing a recap)

So after dinner last night with the Misses, I decided to hop over to Barnes & Nobles to purchase the book. I went home and eventually got through half of the book before calling it a night.

I have to admit - so good.

I caught myself wondering, "Women do not know this already? What...they never had a father, brother, homey to give them this insight!?" The answer, I guess, is "No." for a number of women - I assume - if Steve Harvey had to write this book and so many women have bought this book.

One thing that I appreciate about the way the book is written is the way that Steve Harvey (along with his co-author, Denene Millner) reinforce previously mentioned points as you go along in the book. Just so those women really hear what is being said...

Pretty good book and I'll share my overall thoughts once I've finished reading, but I will say this now - as with any self-help book, it's not about reading the lessons, it's about putting the lessons to use. That is what women (and men...) that read this book have to remember about making their situation better.

If you don't change your actions and expectations then you just wasted $23.99.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Advice from Who???

I think Steve Harvey is a very talented guy.

His stand-up comedy specials are always funny; his ventures in television have been marginally successful; and his syndicated radio show strikes me as very entertaining whenever I have a chance to listen to it (it doesn't air in Raleigh-Durham).

However, I cannot wrap my brain around the notion that women are rushing to stores to buy his book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. A book that, surprisingly, is not filled with anecdotal humor. No. It is a relationship book. Geared towards women. From a comedian. A male comedian.

Am I missing something?

To Steve's credit, he admits that he's not a relationship expert. He's an expert at being a man and knowing the way a man thinks. After saying, "Sh*t, me too (expletive)...", under my breath, I decided to take my hater shades off and do something positive instead.

I'm going to BUY and read the book solely to see what all of the fuss is about.

Maybe Mr. Hightower (y'all know y'all remember The Steve Harvey Show on the WB...stop fronting) will be able to help a lot of women gain a better understanding of the male species.

Now, that in itself is funny.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Know A Lot of Creative People

My dude, Zac, from school has his own production company, The DeMiche, and he also produces these vlogs that are witty, yet thought provoking. Peep this video:

I should've slipped these cats my resume as before I embarked on this real world journey of mine. Damn.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Need Your Help...

I'm from the South.

The Deep South.

Down in those parts, we speak. To everyone. If eye contact is made - oh, you better speak or else you're written off as rude and/or "stuck up" FOREVER!

So I speak. All the time. Unfortunately, I always say the same thing...everyday.
I need something new. I need options. I need phrases to mix it up. Help ya' boy out! Feel free to leave suggestions. I'm open to anything.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Buy The Book!

My best friend from back home, Michael "Quess?" Moore, is an awesome poet/spoken word artist that published a book, Blind Visionz, a collection of some of his work. You should cop it today - it only cost $12 bucks!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Thanks, Kanyeezy!

I stole this from Kanye's blog.

Kanye mentions that Young Jeezy is one of his favorite artists - can't say he is one of my favorite, but I really enjoyed his last album, The Recession. It is a great listen. Here is the video for "Circulate" one of my favorite songs off the album.